Based in Italy: (2012/23): Reportage on a rare sindrome called “Koolen de Vries” for Associazione Kool Kids Kansl 1 Italia. Reportage for WeWorld in Ukraine (two trips). 5×1000 and Azalea campaign for AIRC. 5×1000 campaign for LILT Milan-Monza Brianza. National Awareness Campaign about Parkinson disease for Parkinson Italia. Reportage on the first demining women in Kosovo for GICHD. Awareness Campaign about COVID-19 for Cesvi Foundation; Italy. Awareness Campaign against breast cancer for LILT Milano-Monza Brianza; Italy. Reportage on the “Le Terre del Vescovado” Scanzorosciate, BG; Italy. Reportage on the new poverty in Bergamo in collaboration with Fondazione Istituti Educativi Bergamo (FIEB) and University of Milano Bicocca; Italy. Reportage on the different activities in Zingonia (BG) for Sguazzi – Associazione di Volontariato O.N.L.U.S.; Italy. Photographic workshop for Raffles Milano Istituto Moda e Design; Italy. Reportage on the Fondazione Somaschi’s activities in Liguria; Italy. Documentation of the Oslo Review Conference on a Mine-Free World in Norway for ICBL. Educational Project for young children for the Foundation WeWorld-GVC Onlus in Trentino province; Italy. Documenting the visit of Claudio Bisio (famous Italian actor) for Cesvi Foundation in Zimbabwe. Reportage on the distraction of the old city of Benghazi, Libya. Book on Malawi; Reportage for CoRSU in rehabilitation hospital in Uganda; Reportage on the earthquake area in central Italy for WeWorld Onlus, Italy. Reportage on the Luo population for Luigi Mazzocchi Foundation, Kenya. Reportage on the Government of Colombia and FARC_EP doing demining as part of the peace process, Colombia for Norwegian People’s Aid; Reportage on CESVI onlus project in Albania; Reportage on the Nuba Mountain People in South Kordofan, Sudan for Irinnews, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch; Reportage for the United Nations Development Projects (UNDP) in Guatemala. Photographic workshop for Museo della Storia, Bergamo, Italy. Reportage for Fondazione Aiutare I Bambini in Zimbabwe. Reportage on immigrants and asylum seekers in Italy. Reportage on the visit of UNICEF Ambassador and actor Orlando Bloom in Syrian refugees camp in Jordan for UNICEF NY. Reportage on Syrian IDP/refugees in Syria and in Turkey for AFP and UNICEF NY. Reportage on disability in Afghanistan for Community Centre for Disabled (CCD). Reportage on Italian/Syrian community in Italy. Photographic workshops “Face2Face” for CESVI onlus in Italy. Reportage on the eco-systems of Serio Park (work in progress) in Italy. Reportage on the work of OSSMEI/ONSUR onlus in Italy and Turkey. Reportage on the Social campaign G2 (Second Generation) for AGENZIA PER L’INTEGRAZIONE in Italy. Social Campaign for CESVI onlus (Emiliani Più Forti della Scossa) in Italy. Social campaign for OIKOS onlus (Manifesto Disagio) in Italy
Based in Libya (2011/12): Independent work documenting the life of landmine survivors. Freelance work for Handicap International, UNMAO, (AFP) Agence France Presse, CESVI onlus, Danish Demining Group, UNICEF, (IOM) International Organization for Migration, UNHCR, MERCY CORPS.
Based in Italy: (2000/11) Thailand/Myanmar, reportage on Burmese landmine survivors for ICBL/DCA. Congo, reportage on the pigmy in Ituri district for Cesvi. Iraq, reportage on the consequences of the cluster bombs for UNDP/DDG. Bangladesh, reportage on the discrimination of the Rishi community for the Xaverian Fathers. Colombia, reportage on landmine survivors for ICBL. Zimbabwe, reportage on the cholera for Cesvi. Italy, reportage on the Caritas Bergamo projects. Bangladesh, reportage on the aftermath of Sidar cyclone for Cesvi. Malawi, reportage on the socio/economic of the country for Pan’gono Pan’gono onlus. Egypt, reportage on the landmine survivors for UNMAO. Sudan, reportage on landmine survivors for UNMAO. Congo, reportage on the pygmy in Ituri district for Cesvi. Bolivia, reportage on child labour for Celim Bergamo. Laos, reportage on the consequences of landmine-uxo for COPE. Bolivia, reportage on the life of Pietro Gamba. Pakistan, reportage on the aftermath of the earthquake. Zimbabwe, reportage on the project “Operazione Cuore” for Fondazione Aiutare i Bambini. Uganda, reportage on IDP for Cesvi- UN-OCHA. Bolivia, reportage on the life of Pietro Gamba. Mali, reportage on the problem of epilepsy and mental illness. Myanmar, Zimbabwe, Nicaragua, reportage on the malaria problem. Zimbabwe, South Africa, Uganda, Congo, reportage on HIV/AIDS. Kenya, reportage on the Bantu refugee for an independent documentary. United States, independent work documenting the life of landmine survivors. Mozambique, reportage on environment (WWF). Central America (Nicaragua, El Salvador and Honduras) independent work documenting the life of landmine survivors. Zimbabwe, reportage on street children.
Freelance work for UNICEF, UNDP, UNMAO, UN-OCHA, ICBL, DDG, DCA, CESVI, FAIB, ARCHè, AVITA, ADB, Pietro Gamba onlus, Celim Bergamo, Fondazione Mission Bambini onlus, Caritas, NPA, WeWorld Onlus, Fondazione Luigi Mazzocchi.
Media freelance work for: Amnesty International; Al Jaseera English; Human Right Watch (HRW); Irinnews; ICBL; The Times; The Independent; AFP; Internazionale magazine; 24 Magazine (Sole 24); Sport Week (Gazzetta dello Sport); Io Donna (Corriere della Sera); ANNA; Panorama; F Magazine; Africa; L’eco di Bergamo; TRANSTERRA press agency; Contrasto; Lensmodern; Curator of the Il Fotoeditoriale di Corriere della Sera/Bergamo since 2016.
Based in Kosovo (1999/2000): (Kosovo, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Croatia) Independent work documenting the life of landmine survivors. Freelance work for ICRC, VVAF, WFP, IOM, and The Sunday Times.
Based in Afghanistan (1998/99): Independent work documenting the lives of landmine survivors. Freelance work for MCPA, Save the Children USA.
Laos (1998/99): Independent work documenting the lives of landmine survivors. Freelance work for POWER (UK-based humanitarian organization).
Based in Angola (1996-97): Independent work documenting the lives of landmine survivors. Stringer for Associated Press. Freelance work for the UN-OCHA, WFP, UNDP, Norwegian People’s Aid, Oxfam, Movimondo and Concern Worldwide.
Based in Mozambique (1994-96): Stringer for Reuters. Freelance work for UNHCR, UNICEF, WHO, Save the Children (USA), Action Nord Sud, Concern Worldwide. Independent work documenting the life of street children, landmine survivors and mental health problem.
Based in Cambodia (1991-94): Photographer for documentary “Situation Zero” about refugee repatriation. Stringer for Associated Press, Reuters, and Agence France-Presse. Freelance work for Cambodian Ministry of Tourism, UNICEF, Cambodia Trust, Concern Worldwide. Independent work documenting the lives of landmine survivors. Freelance work for Phnom Penh Post, The Bangkok Post , The independent (UK).
Vietnam (1989): Independent exploration of post-war disability and drug rehabilitation.
Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda, Zaire (now the Republic of Congo), and Bangladesh (1992-96): Short-term freelance assignments for various agencies and publications.
Based in UK (1983-91) Photographer and assistant photographer on editorial, advertising, and journalistic assignments around the world: Ken Griffiths (1987-91); Dave Gamble (1986); Rolph Gobits (1985). Assistant Manager: Push One Photo Lab, London (1983-85).
World Lung Foundation: International Photography Contest – category: air pollution (2008)
One Vision 2006: European Photography Competition – National Award (2006)
Art Director Club Italiano: Gold in photography in collaboration with Saatchi & Saatchi agency (2002)
Il Mosaico della Solidarietà: Journalist Award, Italy (2001).
W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund: finalist (1999). “Legacy of Landmine in the Balkans”.
WEBSITE: (co-founder)
”Premio Takunda 2010” – section Communication
2003 Zimbabwe, South Africa, Uganda, Congo. AIDS Africa eye to eye. Editor: Contrasto extra pp128
2004 Italy. MATCH. with Laura Morelli. Editor: Lubrina pp 130
2006 Pakistan. The school in the sky. Editor: Mediamarket PP 160
2007 Bolivia. The doctor of the Campesinos. Editor: Ananke pp 208
2007 Italy. Lo Sguardo di Pietra. Editor: Lubrina pp 140 (work of three photographers)
2009 Bangladesh. Amazing Bangladesh. Editor: Bolis Edizioni pp 146
2010 Capturing the Legacy: Editor: Cluster Munition Coalition pp 80 (work of six photographers).
2013 Italy. Senza Sparire, Verdello e la sua memoria with Giuseppe Goisis. Editor: Lubrina pp 102
2015 Italy. Dopo l’Approdo, un racconto per immagini e parole sui richiedenti asilo in Italia. Editor: editpress (work with other two photographers and two anthropologists)
2017 Italy. Senza quel giorno, terremoto in centro Italia with Giuseppe Goisis. Editor: Lubrina pp 112
2018 Malawi. Zikomo. Editor: Lubrina pp 160
2019 Italy. Non Chiamatemi Morbo-Mr. Parkinson si racconta Editor: Contrasto pp 128
2022 Italy. Non Chaiamatemi Morbo – Storie di resistenza al Parkinson – Un libro che parla. Edito Contrasto pp 100
Certificate of Achievement: Basic Security In The Field II (BSITFII) July 2016
Certificate of Achievement: Advance Security In The Field (ASITF) July 2016
Luanda/Angola (1997)
Ottawa/Canada 1st MSP
Brescia, Rome, Milan, Urbino, Genoa, Bergamo/Italy
Managua/Nicaragua 3rd MSP
Traveling exhibition all over USA
Bangkok/Thailand 5th MSP
Cartagena/Colombia 10th MSP
Phnom Penh/Cambodia 11th MSP
New York/United Nation/USA
Geneva/Switzerland 13th MSP
Santiago de Chile/Chile 15th MSP
Estonia/Tallin (2023)
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